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Rio’s Afro - Brazilians have long united Black consciousness through Carnival and Samba, but now communities are making spaces that celebrate Black identity - through food, art and music - to resist inequality and redefine the National culture. Kiratiana Freelon, who moved to Brazil write about the Blackest country outside Africa
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Mondes Volume II
Rio’s Afro - Brazilians have long united Black consciousness through Carnival and Samba, but now communities are making spaces that celebrate Black identity - through food, art and music - to resist inequality and redefine the National culture. Kiratiana Freelon, who moved to Brazil write about the Blackest country outside Africa
Mondes Volume II 2023
Photo Editor: Anna Morassutti Vitale
Art by Xilopretura, Rivers, Senegambia
Special thanks to Filhos De Gandhi - RJ