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Plantar Água" in English To Plant Water, said Emir de Jesus Vales, one of the farmers in the Comunidade Quilombola Vargem Do Inhai in Brazil. And explained to us that by planting certain species of trees, he has managed to revive a dried up spring so that water flows again
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Diamantina, Minas Gerias - Ilheus, Bahia
Plantar Água" in English To Plant Water, said Emir de Jesus Vales, one of the farmers in the Comunidade Quilombola Vargem Do Inhai in Brazil. And explained to us that by planting certain species of trees, he has managed to revive a dried up spring so that water flows again.
We drove several 1000 kilometers from Diamantina (Minas Gerais) to Ilhéus (Bahia) and met impressive people and in very remote areas who have an infinite knowledge. They work with the soil as if they had entered into a relationship with it: They take care of it, respect it (when it needs rest) and give it what it needs. I learned about the unique Vereda ecosystem.
"Baru, Cacau cabruca, Vereda, Favela, Buriti" Knowledge? What is knowledge? And who determines what is knowledge and what is not?
Die Frauen essen ihre Nüsse, pressen Milch aus ihrem Fleisch, waschen sich mit Seife aus ihrem Fett, kochen mit Holzkohle aus ihren Schalen, bauen Häuser aus ihren Stämmen, Dächer aus ihren Blättern – und verkaufen ihr Öl.
Das Reservat Resex Extremo Norte liegt im Dreiländereck der brasilianischen Bundesstaaten Tocantins, Pará und Maranhão, einer der ärmsten Regionen des Landes. Allein die Rinderzucht floriert. Seit internationale Kosmetikhersteller das Öl entdeckt haben, ist die Nachfrage explodiert.
Greenpeace Magazin
Nr. 04.2019
El País, Madrid
MO* Magazine
Issue 134
Text: Fabian Federl